Husband-Wife Meeting

  1. Start with a prayer. Seek the Lord for your marriage and family.

  2. Take a moment to express your appreciation for something your spouse did or who they are.

    1. Three things you are honored by this week.

    2. Three ways that you honored your spouse this week.

  3. How are you?

    1. Work

    2. Friendships

    3. Prayer

    4. Family – How are you with the kids?

    5. Time management

  4. How are we?

    1. Communication

    2. Conflicts

    3. Time together

    4. Sexuality

  5. Community

    1. How are we living our commitment?

    2. Is there a particular part of the bundle that we want to focus on/make a habit at this time?

    3. Is the Lord speaking anything to us regarding our discernment of community?

  6. Kids

    1. How are the kids?

    2. How is discipline going?

    3. Any issues that need discussing?

    4. Are we getting enough time with the kids?

  7.  Practicals

    1. Finances

    2. House projects

    3. Vacation

    4. Schedule for week and longer-term planning

  8. Big Decisions:

    1. Moving

    2. Career change

    3. When to have children or whether to add to our number

    4. How to educate our children

    5. Habit training