A community of disciples on mission.
A Catholic Charismatic Covenant Community
We are a community of families and singles in the Kansas City area who love and serve one another, building deep relationships and sharing a common way of life.
We live our Catholic faith in a practical daily way, calling one another on to walking more closely with Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We work together for the spread of the Gospel, especially through evangelistic and formative work among young people and families.

We have joined our lives together in order to:
Actively pursue
holiness of life
Love one another
as brothers & sisters in Christ
Work together
to spread the Gospel and build up the Christian life
Community Gatherings
Our Community Gathers once a month for a time of worship, fellowship, and teaching. We also have a robust Youth Program for children ages kindergarten to Jr. High. Nursery is provided for toddlers and pre-k children. Check the community calendar for the next Gathering. Hope to see you there!
Gathering Teaching
Most Gatherings are accompanied by a teaching. You can access the library of previous teachings via our PodBean page.